Scott, help! Is there ANY way to delete a button once you've added it to a newsletter? I have 3 SHARE buttons that simply will not go away. Is this a Substack glitch that needs to be addressed ? Thanks for all your help on these mechanics!

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Are the share buttons at the beginning or end of the emailed version of the post? If so and if they're not in the web version, it's possible they're included in the header or footer, which you can edit in settings.

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I can edit them out of the footer, but not the end of the post itself!!! Feels like a major glitch.

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Could you send me the URL of the post (either by replying here or sending me a Twitter DM or email)? Maybe I can figure out something by looking at the post.

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I've had difficulty editing out buttons sometimes, especially if I'm editing on my mobile browser. What I've done is to add text on lines before and after the button, highlighted text beginning with the earlier line and ending with the later line, and then deleting that block (including the button). Does that work when you try to edit your post?

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You are a miracle worker! Yes, it worked. But they really should fix this! Yikes. Many thanks, Scott.

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Nice work putting this together, Scott!

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Very helpful to see these examples. Thank you!

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