I really love the range of book recommendations I got into this edition.


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I’m not sure it’s my best, but it got lots of views...


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Somehow, my 'Brief Gen X Aside' essay/ramble has garnered the most unique views on The Storyteller's Corner Substack. I thought it a good bit of grumbling, but don't see it as my best piece, though it IS my best stand-alone piece.

My favorite from another Substack is Witt Wills's recent piece regarding the 'New York Vibe' vs Florida. It was endearingly witty.

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I'll have to read all of these posts! :)

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I hate to recommend a post from a newsletter that is in no need of love, but if I'm honest Scott Alexander's post on the way forward for the republican party is likely the one I'm most fond of. Excellent example of a political post that doesn't simply hit the same old points and fights the same battles, but creatively makes intelligent, informed suggestions: https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/a-modest-proposal-for-republicans (note: I would totally vote for that republican party, and get a lawn sign).

But to balance that out I want to give a shootout to Tangle, a balanced non partisan daily news summary. Thanks to it, I no longer feel the need to waste time reading corporate news. 10 minutes or so and I feel up to speed, and without all the outrage porn and other nonsense endemic to news websites: https://www.readtangle.com/

For my own, it's so new there's only 1 stand-alone non-meta post, but I'm proud of it. It explores research and anecdotes of the effects of psychedelics and suggests that instead of just dismissing subjective perceptions, particularly when unusual, they may be an important source of vitality and insight: https://soterion.substack.com/p/psychedelics-and-the-gift-of-subjectivity

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