Hi Scott! I love how you feature different writers in each newsletter, but maybe you could do semi-curated themed "roundups" of good newsletters around a single concept? Like, newsletters about mental health, history, creativity, travel, serial fiction, business, art, relationships, etc. and feature five or so newsletters perhaps with a paragraph or two about the creator and what their vision is. I think that would help a lot of us who are struggling for visibility and would also allow us to get a better glimpse of the breadth of topics out there.

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Hello Scott, Unable to DM you, please, DM me. Formulating thoughts. Need my mind to get in gear right now. It's sort of switching gears, but not enough lube. Have to have some more coffee and lasagna. Have a great interview I'm doing on Sunday. Have a few questions. Yes I want something. I want lots of exposure, adulation, inway into writing movie script stuff, I want you to connect me with Michael Moore... lol I also want a better relationship with you. lol well, idk actually. But, I DO want to talk to witty you because all I am right now is a half wit. And, that's no good.

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