I intend to give feedback or make comments from time to time. But with thousands of newsletters and posts, I could only look at a small fraction. If a newsletter creator has a paid subscription, I could provide feedback as part of the monthly benefit.
Over time I've noticed several websites offering collections of newsletters. I'll have to look again to see if any might be time saving or otherwise helpful for this project.
I intend to give feedback or make comments from time to time. But with thousands of newsletters and posts, I could only look at a small fraction. If a newsletter creator has a paid subscription, I could provide feedback as part of the monthly benefit.
Interested to see what you do with all the wonderful tons of posts you will get!
Interesting idea. Have you thought of using one of the aggregation apps like Stoop Inbox for a project like this?
Over time I've noticed several websites offering collections of newsletters. I'll have to look again to see if any might be time saving or otherwise helpful for this project.
Thank you Scott!! This is such a great idea and movement.
Great idea -- and it looks like you're the first who thought of doing this. Nice!
Great idea. I was wondering who that sub was lol
Very exciting! Do check out https://americaninequality.substack.com/
Very impressed you found my substack so quickly! True to your word ;)
Sooo... do we comment here to earn that new subscription? :D This is a neat idea and def just subscribed!