This week, I'm posting links to and descriptions for 50 newsletters each day.
These newsletters had their first non-introductory post on Substack from January 20 to February 19, 2021.
I hope you will subscribe to some of these new newsletters!
Felicitations!: “A bi-weekly melange of links, musings and other geekery.”
Fellow Photogs: The Newsletter: “The all-volunteer Fellow Photogs team bringing you photojournalism and photography-adjacent resources, news, and opportunities straight to your inbox. We are America’s visual storytellers.”
Fembot Magazine: “Feminist opinions & entertainment”
The Feminist Kitchen: “Weekly musings about the parenting, grief, ancestral healing and emergent strategy from Addie Broyles.”
The Femsplainers Newsletter: “Inside Your Favorite Podcast”
Fight Freaks Unite: “Boxing, boxing and more boxing with Dan Rafael”
Fil d'harmonie 🎶: “Newsletter sur le développement harmonieux, la culture, la cohérence et le management d'entreprise”
FILAS Y COLUMNAS: “Un repaso quincenal a la producción estadística y el análisis de datos en España, por @jescuderoma”
نشرة مالية تعطيك اهم ما في اسواق المال“1” : The Finance Memo - النشرة المالية
findsfromyesteryear for today: “Decorating with and preserving history, and loving it!”
FreeDumb of the Press: “Local, National, International news, events, commentary, and philosophizing”
Fuck Wall Street: “Why do we allow our elected officials to choose between the best interests of the American people and the best interests of their personal portfolios?”
Full Cup Project + FULL CUP CLUB: “Mothers coming together via zoom to make art, connect, recenter and fill our cups. If you decide to subscribe there are a few extra benefits too XO”
Game Changer's newsletter: “Newsletter de Game Changer le podcast & le club ! J'écris sur les livres que je lis, les conseils que j'applique, ce que j'apprends tous les jours, les apps / outils que je découvre ou utilise...”
Geek Incentives: “Creating and maintaining incentives that help geeks do their best work”
Get to Work: “Trying to close the trade skills gap.”
Getaway- Nomad Newsletter: “Weekly curated digital nomad destination directory with useful sources; - Short summary of selected nomad destination (nomad life cost, weather, Wi-Fi speed, visa requirements etc.) and - Top5 monthly Airbnb deals in the subject city.”
The Gist by Finny: “The Gist is a bi-weekly publication that focuses on helping you take care of your personal finances: make and save more money, and be your own boss!”
GM Falafel’s Newsletter: “Grandmaster Falafel's Greatest Thoughts”
Gokhshtein Media: “A weekly review of the crypto market developments. Written by Gokhshtein Media.”
#GoldenLetter: “Te traigo las últimas novedades en lo referente a marketplaces, eCommerce y, sobre todo, Amazon, ¿me das tu correo electrónico para que pueda contártelo? 📩”
The Good Chat: “The newsletter for people who hate that the world's burning and want to be active.”
GRADE informa: “GRADE es investigación aplicada, orientada al desarrollo y a la búsqueda de soluciones para los problemas económicos y sociales del Perú y América Latina.”
Grant’s Newsletter: “Investment knowledge”
The Green New Spiel: “Developments in green tech and clean energy”
The Hat Tip: “Reporting, analysis and predictions about current affairs, especially US, UK, Israel. Politics, extremism, a little science”
here are some things: “i once wrote a book for weirdos. now i'm working on something new. until then, here are some things.”
HotFlash: “HotFlash...Humorous tales of a Woman on the Edge”
Human, All Too Human: “Classics, Literature and Life, Philosophy, Politics”
I Often Wonder: “Diary-like cultural musings on apparel, music, and marketing.”
the immense wave: “often music, always feelings, not necessarily in that order”
In Search of Lost Smell: “Thoughts on food, senses, self, and the process of searching.”
Inbox One: “Shortform News And Updates”
The Incision: “Abdul El-Sayed cuts into the political, scientific, and societal trends shaping our moment.”
The Inner Healing Tribe ™️: “Faith. Wholeness. Community. Read blog posts, connect, & get an inside peek into the world of a woman who has learned & is still learning the value of wholeness, peace, rest, and freedom. Get comfy & subscribe to get it straight to your inbox!”
Innovate Climate: “A newsletter showcasing climatetech startups.”
Inside My Head - a Substack by Linus Ekenstam: “A weekly rant of what's been on my mind. Exploring the world of technology and building digital products while navigating the life as a new dad 🖖🏻”
Inside USC: “Everything about USC football from an insider view”
The International Investor: “Investing for optimal returns, a better world, and a happy life.”
Investigadora: “Uma newsletter sobre jornalismo investigativo baseada em dados do projeto CruzaGrafos”
Jammy Pants: “A suburban mom in Dallas confirms everyone has gone insane. Get comfortable. I can't publish anything right now bc Substack says they need to verify things and what the fuck but as soon as it's verified, I'll be up and running.”
JATS Strats: “Think It 》Trade It 》Automate It”
Jennadea’s Newsletter: “Musing about the article that inspired me to join Substack”
Journal Ahnungslos: “Ideengeschichte & Wissenskultur”
The Khalsa Chronicle: “For those interested in exploring the history and philosophy of the Sikh tradition.”
Korn Ferry Unconfidential: “A close up look at the PGA's not so minor league pro golf tour.”
Kristin Nicholas' Colorful Newsletter from the Farm: “Writing about color, design, making, gardening and life on a working sheep farm“
Krugman wonks out: “Notes on economics and more”
L³ Chronicles: “Short blips about investing, business, and life advice.”
L'actualité illustrée par Peter Patfawl: “Cette newletter est entièrement illustrée. Elle traite de tous les sujets d'actualité expliquées en dessin pour lutter contre la désinformation avec humour. Abonnez-vous pour 5 euros par mois afin de suivre toute la newsletter illustrée !”
One of the first posts I drafted – but still haven’t published! – for Sub Pub is, believe it or not, about the singer Robyn. One of my favorite guilty-pleasure songs is Fembot, which is in the name of one of the new newsletters. I can never quite figure out whether the song is feminist – but I’m happy to see that Fembot Magazine is. Anyway, to close out this post, here’s the inimitable Robyn:
If anyone has insights into how Substack handles Arabic and other languages written from right to left, feel free to leave a comment to send me an email. Of course, you should also feel free to leave a comment or email me on other topics related to Substack.
SUBSTACK rocks. Truly. And the song is feminist to me. So maybe I'll write a newsletter on it. ;) - Alissa